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Our zodiac energy collection is designed to use specific crystal combinations to highlight the best attributes in each zodiac sign. These crystals are selected based on their mineral composition, chakra alignment and overall energetic fingerprint. Each crystal is formed in various parts of the world and carries unique properties that align with different aspects of the human mind and body. These crystal combinations are the ones we believe will benefit you most. Our zodiac energy collection is not simply about matching colors; there is a science to the madness! These bracelets are busy because we are living in busy times and harnessing the energy of the right crystals just might save your life.

You don’t have to be born under a specific sign of zodiac to tap into the energy of those who are. Check your birth chart to see where you have other zodiac placements. If you find yourself in love with a bracelet designed for a zodiac sign other than you own, your spirit may be calling out to you to strengthen your own connection to these qualities and energies within you. 

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